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2014 NAPA 401k SUMMIT



The NAPA 401(K) Summit served as the venue for the iJoin Solutions executive team’s unveiling of the new and enhanced version of their mobile enrollment platform.  For the first time, iJoin revealed its recently launched messaging campaign “Let’s Make Savings Sexy Again” in conjunction with the new enrollment platform.


“The show has been a tremendous success for our product launch,” explains Mark Noble, VP of Sales for iJoin Solutions.  “Our team has been hard at work building out the vision of our company’s intent to be different and bold in how we impact retirement outcomes for US employees.  We have spent a fair amount of time and resources analyzing current trends and results, and feel strongly that there is a better way to the move the needle for participants.”


iJoin’s advantage of being simple, interactive, actionable & motivational while providing a personalized decision making process for participants is the driving force behind thier success.

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